jueves, 8 de julio de 2010



Visiting Wales

We are going to learn about Welsh castles and their characteristics in this treasure hunt. We are going to learn about their origin and how they evolved later into different types of castles. We will also learn something about Welsh language.

Answer the following questions:

1.- What is a motte-and-bailey?

2.- When were motte-and-baileys built?

3.- What is called a keep?

4.- What centuries were Norman castles built?

5.- How many castles are there in Wales?

6.- Name and choose five castles you can visit in south Wales.

7.- What castle was built in the 19th century?

8.- Where can you find more castles in south or north Wales?

9.- What does “Coch”mean in Welsh?

10.- Can you indentify the following castles?

A.- (___________________) B.- (_____________________)


The big question:

Compare the different castles you’ve chosen.

What have they got in common?

Use the following links and others to answer the questions:






Finally, did you know that the longest city name is in Wales? Watch the videos and write down the name of the city.

Video 1

Then watch another video and find out when the name was created and why?

Video 2

Have a look at this webpage and then put the name of the city you've found into the search box. That way you will find the video that will enable you to answer the question.

Evaluation Criteria

The students have to send their answers by e-mail to the teacher in a day or two. The activity will be started in class. The students will have to send their answers twice. First, they send their individual answers. Afterwards, they comment on their answers with their classmates in a forum on internet, and decide what the best answers are. The teacher will value both their answers and their participation in the forum.

Extra marks: Discover some important information about Wales: symbols, culture habits, food,...

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